Fall Landscaping Insights: A Conversation with Lanson B. Jones

As the seasons change and Houstonians bid farewell to the scorching heat of this summer, the opportunity arises to transform outdoor spaces for the fall. With over three decades of experience and a passion for European-scale garden design, Lanson Jones of Lanson B. Jones & Co. is here to share his expertise on key considerations, often-overlooked aspects, fall landscape trends and tips for creating inviting outdoor spaces.

Transitioning to Fall: Key Considerations

Jones emphasizes two critical considerations as Houstonians transition to fall: proper irrigation and the use of organics. Although it may seem counterintuitive after a summer where grass and gardens have faced many heat-related challenges, Jones advises a significant reduction in irrigation during fall and winter.

“Winter diseases come when there's just too much moisture and there's a lot more moisture here typically in the fall,” he said. “I'll be monitoring the irrigation on a weekly basis.”

Jones is a big champion of applying organics preemptively, which can rescue lawns that were once plagued by bugs, insects and substantial damage. He credits Mike Serant, an organic expert in Houston, for research into a more natural gardening approach.

“Synthetic fertilizers are high in salt and nitrogen,” he says. “Organic practices, on the other hand, promote a slow and natural process that helps plants navigate stressful periods.”

Fall Plants for Vibrant Colors

For fall plants, Jones considers both color and durability. He recommends incorporating fall plants with warm, muted colors such as purples, burgundies and oranges.

“Think warm tones as the foundation, complemented by pops of white and orange for visual interest,” he said. “White, like white cyclamen, can really elevate a yard at night, as white reflects light and enhances visibility.”

Other choices include stalwarts like Plumbago and Firecracker fern, celebrated for their robustness. Hydrangeas, especially when potted, are winners, their adaptability adding to their charm. Hardy perennials like rosemary, with its aromatic allure, stand out as staples for fall, offering visual and sensory appeal.

In creating a garden that endures, Jones takes a thoughtful approach to seasonal color.

Whether Jones is working on small townhome gardens or large estates, he focuses on simplicity, clarity and significance. In every project, the approach revolves around creating designs that are not only visually appealing but also meaningful, resonating with both the homeowner and visitors to the space. A well-designed garden should tell a clear and impactful story, enriching the outdoor experience for all who encounter it. It’s about great design we all love; and it’s in everything we do. 

For more ideas for your own landscape, contact the team at Lanson B. Jones & Co., Inc. 

Lanson Jones